Sunday, June 03, 2007

Fun for the Whole Family

Eleven Vances or VSO's (Vance Significant Others) were in the Bird Attack Nest in Morehead on Saturday. The occasion was to celebrate the arrival of the newest member, Ada Louise Vance, who is just a few days old. This also marked the first real interaction between Simon and his cousin Henry.

It was a grand day marked by Henry's "play dirt/sidewalk chalk/ball" activities, Simon's first peas, Ada's newborn "noises," Jason's "Duke of York" performance(s), and more established Vance traditions (chips, cookies, Nana's pimento cheese) that are revived when the whole family manages to get together under one roof.

Here is a slideshow from Simon's first trip to the lumpier, eastern side of our great commonwealth.

Here's a pic to whet your appetite.

Simon and Ada.

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At 7:32 PM , Blogger Brandon Andrew Miles said...

Simon is HUGE!!!

At 6:08 AM , Blogger Cort said...

Yeah. It's hard to see him as "big" until you see him with tiny babies. Remember, he was smaller than Ada when he was born!

At 5:36 PM , Blogger kelly said...

He's such a sweet kid. Y'all seriously need to come over soon.

At 6:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simon looks so alert & he looks like he is planning on what all he can do when he learns to walk.


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