Monday, July 03, 2006

The Basham Blog Launch

Even if Discovery cannot launch until tomorrow, the Bashams are launching today. Actually, the primary motivation for this blog is the Currently Lime-Sized Basham that will launch in mid-January. "Limon" (apologies to Sprite) is currently 12 weeks along and this space will chronicle our journey toward January among other things.

We heard the heartbeat for the first time on Friday and it was thrilling. When waiting for a teeth-cleaning at the dentist's office, a two hour wait usually allows for a reading of any and all Dr. Suess books, 31 viewings of Headline News, three slow walks to and from the water fountain, five mental tirades about the ridiculousness of said wait, and a re-reading of Green Eggs and Ham just for good measure. But, hearing Limon's heartbeat made us immediately forget about the two hour delay.

We return to the doc in four weeks for a routine check up.



At 6:50 PM , Blogger the Powells said...

"Lymon" lol sweet blog.. we'll keep ourselves posted, for sure :)

At 5:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogosphere!

(... whatever that means)

At 8:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoyed you blogspot, It's a neat way to keep in touch, now we can all be a part of Limon's great entry into the world.

aunt Penny

(don't like the great before aunt, makes me sound to old.)

At 12:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Name your kid Lincoln Log Basham. That is all.



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